Maintenance Alert

An update to the Cultural Navigator will be installed beginning at 23:30 ET US on 7/25/24. This update may up to 1 hour. Please be sure to log out of the application during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Meet the Cultural Navigator®

This online application provides comprehensive cultural and business information designed to increase your competitive advantage in today's global business environment. The Cultural Navigator offers a unique learning experience that can be personalized based on your business interests and customized to your organization's initiatives.

Understand your cultural preferences

Our cultural assessment, the Cultural Orientations Indicator, is organized into three dimensions to help you identify your cultural preferences across your Interaction Style, Thinking Style, and Sense of Self. The COI is psychometrically validated for reliable results. The assessment and report are available in 12 languages: Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Americano Latino), Spanish (Espanol), and Turkish.

Assess your cultural preferences

Complete the three dimensions of the COI in the recommended sequence or take a more flexible approach, depending on your personal learning style.

Review your results

Gain immediate access to your results, including an explanatory audio debrief, common cultural challenges and recommendations for addressing them, and example scenarios based on real-world workplace.

Compare with country norms

Compare your results with country norms to identify cultural differences and similarities

Compare with others in your organization

Compare your results against your organization, your function, and your teams to recognize potential cultural challenges.

Discuss your results during a program

Bring your results to a facilitated program as a hard copy or on your smartphone or tablet.

Customized to your organization

The Cultural Navigator offers a unique learning exerience that can be customized to your organization's employees.

Organizational integration

Access exclusive learning content and features designed to fit your organization's objectives. Incorporate specific messages that can reach all of your organization's employees on the Cultural Navigator.

Comparisons with colleagues

Compare cultural preferences with your colleagues and teams to identify potential cultural challenges. Once your colleagues have taken the COI, you also can discover functional and organizational norms and compare your personal results with them.

Personalized to your interests

Select the topics that interest you. Based on your selections, the Cultural Navigator guides you to recommendations for what is most relevant to you. Access what you need faster and more easily.

Step-by-step recommended learning

Follow step-by-step Learning Paths to complete recommended learning objectives. Each step contains associated learning activities. See time estimates for each step, track your progress, and resume a Learning Path from the last step completed. Organizations also may assign Learning Paths to users as part of a specific learning initiative.

Collaborate with your peers

roll over each icon for more information

Find and connect with colleagues no matter where they are located. Search for people you know virtually or in person or for people who you plan to meet. If you can’t find your colleagues, invite them to join you on the Cultural Navigator.

Create a team based on function, location, or project. Teams on the Cultural Navigator have access to special comparison tools designed to identify team norms and possible challenges.

Communities are unique groups for users who share a common interest, such as relocation, function, or learning topic. Join a community to receive updates and access recommended activities.

Subject Matter Experts on the Cultural Navigator regularly post articles and other content related to their respective fields. Follow these experts to keep up-to-date on the latest news.

Explore business cultures around the world

Access an extensive database of country-specific culture, inclusion, and management information. Based on original research by Subject Matter Experts for the Cultural Navigator, our Country Guides cover country norms as well as current business practices.

Other available features include:

  • Comparisons to country norms
  • Interactive maps
  • Real-time weather

Optimized for smartphones and tablets

Built on the latest technologies, the Cultural Navigator offers a modern, touch-friendly interface that is optimized for smartphones and tablets.

Experience the Cultural Navigator today

Contact us for more information on how the Cultural Navigator can help you and your organization work more effectively across cultures.